Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""All Yahoo requests that require ticker as route parameter in the request."""

from ..decorators import endpoint, dyndoc_insert
from .util import response2json, extract_domain, procopt

import logging
import pandas as pd

    import rapidjson as json

except ImportError as err:
    import json

from ..apirequest import APIRequest, VirtualAPIRequest
from abc import abstractmethod
from virtual_finance_api.exceptions import ConversionHookError
from .responses.ticker_bundle import responses
from .types import AdjustType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Yhoo(APIRequest):
    """Yhoo - base class to handle the Yhoo endpoints that require a ticker."""

    def __init__(self, ticker: str) -> None:
        """Instantiate a Yhoo APIRequest instance.

        ticker : string (required)
            the ticker to perform the request for.
        endpoint = self.ENDPOINT.format(ticker=ticker)
        super(Yhoo, self).__init__(endpoint, method=self.METHOD)
        self._ticker = ticker

    def ticker(self) -> str:
        return self._ticker

[docs]@endpoint("quote/{ticker}/financials", domain="") class Financials(VirtualAPIRequest, Yhoo): """Financials - class to handle the financials endpoint."""
[docs] @dyndoc_insert(responses) def __init__(self, ticker: str) -> None: """Instantiate a Financials APIRequest instance. Parameters ---------- ticker : string (required) the ticker to perform the request for. Example ------- >>> import virtual_finance_api as fa >>> import as yh >>> client = fa.Client() >>> r = yh.Financials('IBM') >>> rv = client.request(r) >>> print(json.dumps(rv, indent=2)) :: {_yh_financials_resp} """ super(Financials, self).__init__(ticker)
def _conversion_hook(self, s: str) -> dict: """transform the response into a 'standardized' JSON response for all groups we want to have yearly and quarterly, like: {'cashflow': { 'yearly': { ...}, 'quarterly': { ...}, }, ... } """ data = None _resp = {} try: data = response2json(s) for repgroup in ( ("cashflow", "cashflowStatement", "cashflowStatements"), ("balancesheet", "balanceSheet", "balanceSheetStatements"), ("financials", "incomeStatement", "incomeStatementHistory"), ): attr, subject, details = repgroup for itemDetail, key in [("", "yearly"), ("Quarterly", "quarterly")]: item = f"{subject}History{itemDetail}" if isinstance(data.get(item), dict): if attr not in _resp: _resp.update({attr: {}}) _resp[attr].update({key: data[item][details]}) # earnings if data.get("earnings", None): _resp.update({"earnings": {}}) earnings = data["earnings"]["financialsChart"] _resp.update({"earnings": data["earnings"]["financialsChart"]}) except Exception as err: logger.error(err) raise ConversionHookError(422, "") else:"conversion_hook: %s OK", self.ticker) return _resp
[docs]@endpoint( "v8/finance/chart/{ticker}", response_type="json", domain="", ) class History(VirtualAPIRequest, Yhoo): """History - class to handle the history endpoint."""
[docs] @dyndoc_insert(responses) def __init__(self, ticker: str, params: dict) -> None: """Instantiate a History APIRequest instance. Parameters ---------- ticker : string (required) the ticker to perform the request for. params : dict (optional) dictionary with optional parameters to perform the request, parameters default to 1 month of daily (1d) historical data. :: {_yh_history_params} >>> import virtual_finance_api as fa >>> import as yh >>> client = fa.Client() >>> r = yh.History('IBM', params=params) >>> rv = client.request(r) >>> print(r.response) :: {_yh_history_resp} """ super(History, self).__init__(ticker) self.params = procopt(**params) "%s instantiated, ticker: %s, params: %s", self.__class__.__name__, self.ticker, self.params, )
def _conversion_hook(self, s: str) -> dict: """call the conversionhook of the parent class to get our data then standardize the JSON data here to get: { 'ohlcdata': {...}, 'dividends': {...}, 'spits': {...}, } """ def _ordered_timeitems(d: dict, cat: str) -> list: """ dividends / splits yahoo has dicts with items like: "878826600": { "amount": 0.1, "date": 878826600 }, string type epoch as key, numeric value in the value dict this function transforms these dicts in a list of (epoch) ordered value dicts: [ {...}, { "amount": 0.1, "date": 878826600 }, ... ] """ try: res = [d[cat][str(k)] for k in sorted(int(dt) for dt in d[cat].keys())] except Exception as err:"no data for: cat %s", cat) return [] else: return res def adjust(ohlcdata, adjustType: AdjustType = None) -> dict: """price adjustments for the historical data. for yfinance compatibility there are 2 adjustment types: - auto adjust - back adjust ohlcdata is: { 'timestamp': [...], 'open': [...], 'high': [...], 'low': [...], 'close': [...], 'volume': [...]} """ if adjustType is None: logger.warning("adjust: not set, returning plain data") return ohlcdata elif adjustType.value == num, denom = "close", "adjclose" elif adjustType.value == AdjustType.back: num, denom = "adjclose", "close" else: raise ValueError("illegal value for adjustType") ratio = [ ohlcdata[num][i] / ohlcdata[denom][i] for i in range(len(ohlcdata["close"])) ] ohlcdata["close"] = ohlcdata["adjclose"] for qc in ["open", "high", "low"]: ohlcdata[qc] = [ ohlcdata[qc][i] / ratio[i] for i in range(len(ohlcdata["close"])) ] return ohlcdata # transform the yahoo data tdata = {} try: resp = json.loads(s) _data = resp["chart"]["result"][0] tdata.update({"meta": _data["meta"]}) tdata.update({"ohlcdata": {}}) tdata["ohlcdata"].update({"timestamp": _data["timestamp"]}) tdata["ohlcdata"].update(_data["indicators"]["quote"][0]) tdata["ohlcdata"].update(_data["indicators"]["adjclose"][0]) if "events" in _data: for cat in ["dividends", "splits"]: try: tdata.update({cat: _ordered_timeitems(_data["events"], cat)}) except Exception as err: logger.warning( "no events for %s cat: %s [%s]", self.ticker, cat, err ) else: "added: %s cat: %s, #%s", self.ticker, cat, len(tdata[cat]) ) # adjust data ? _pAdjust = self.params.get("adjust", None) if _pAdjust: tdata["ohlcdata"] = adjust(tdata["ohlcdata"], adjustType=_pAdjust) except Exception as err: logger.error(err) raise ConversionHookError(422, "") else: return tdata
[docs]@endpoint("quote/{ticker}/holders", domain="") class Holders(VirtualAPIRequest, Yhoo): """Holders - class to handle the holders endpoint."""
[docs] @dyndoc_insert(responses) def __init__(self, ticker: str) -> None: """Instantiate a Holders APIRequest instance. Parameters ---------- ticker : string (required) the ticker to perform the request for. Example ------- >>> import virtual_finance_api as fa >>> import as yh >>> client = fa.Client() >>> r = yh.Holders('IBM') >>> rv = client.request(r) >>> print(json.dumps(rv, indent=2)) :: {_yh_holders_resp} """ super(Holders, self).__init__(ticker)
def _conversion_hook(self, s: str) -> dict: """call the conversionhook of the parent class to get our data then standardize the JSON data here to get: { "major": [ .. ], "institutional": { "legend": { .. }, "holders": [ .. ], }, "mutualfund": { "legend": { .. }, "holders": [ .. ], }, } """ def normalize(data: dict, K: str) -> dict: _record = {} _legend = {} for k, v in data[K].items(): _k = k.lower().replace(" ", "_").replace("%", "pch") if _k not in _legend: _legend.update({_k: k}) for i, (kk, vv) in enumerate(v.items()): if i not in _record: _record.update({i: {}}) if isinstance(vv, (str,)) and "%" in vv: vv = float(vv.replace("%", "")) _record[i].update({_k: vv}) return {"legend": _legend, "holders": list(_record.values())} _resp = {} data = {} try: _data = pd.read_html(s) for i, k in enumerate(["major", "institutional", "mutualfund"]): logger.debug("conversion_hook: %s", k) try: data.update({k: json.loads(_data[i].to_json())}) except IndexError as iErr: # not always all are available logger.debug("conversion_hook: %s failed, no data", k) _resp.update( { "major": [ list(l) for l in zip( data["major"]["0"].values(), data["major"]["1"].values() ) ] } ) for k in ["institutional", "mutualfund"]: try: ndd = normalize(data, k) except KeyError as err: # allow that error logger.warning(err) else: if ndd: _resp.update({k: ndd}) except Exception as err: logger.error(err) raise ConversionHookError(422, "") else: return _resp
[docs]@endpoint( "v7/finance/options/{ticker}", domain="", response_type="json", ) class Options(VirtualAPIRequest, Yhoo): """Options - class to handle the options endpoint."""
[docs] @dyndoc_insert(responses) def __init__(self, ticker: str, params: dict = None) -> None: """Instantiate a Options APIRequest instance. Parameters ---------- ticker : string (required) the ticker to perform the request for. params : dict with optional 'date' parameter. Example ------- >>> import virtual_finance_api as fa >>> import as yh >>> client = fa.Client() >>> r = yh.Options('IBM') >>> rv = client.request(r) >>> print(json.dumps(rv, indent=2)) :: {_yh_options_resp} """ super(Options, self).__init__(ticker) self.params = params
def _conversion_hook(self, s: str) -> dict: resp = {} try: data = json.loads(s) for attr in [ "underlyingSymbol", "expirationDates", "strikes", "hasMiniOptions", "options", ]: resp.update({attr: data["optionChain"]["result"][0][attr]}) except Exception as err: logger.error(err) raise ConversionHookError(422, "") else:"conversion_hook: %s OK", self.ticker) return resp
[docs]@endpoint("quote/{ticker}", domain="") class Profile(VirtualAPIRequest, Yhoo): """Profile - class to handle the profile endpoint."""
[docs] @dyndoc_insert(responses) def __init__(self, ticker: str) -> None: """Instantiate a Profile APIRequest instance. Parameters ---------- ticker : string (required) the ticker to perform the request for. Example ------- >>> import virtual_finance_api as fa >>> import as yh >>> client = fa.Client() >>> r = yh.Profile('IBM') >>> rv = client.request(r) >>> print(json.dumps(rv, indent=2)) :: {_yh_profile_resp} """ super(Profile, self).__init__(ticker)
def _conversion_hook(self, s: str) -> dict: """call the conversionhook of the parent class to get our data then standardize the JSON data here to get: { 'profile': { 'recommendations': {}, 'calendar': {}, 'info': {}, } } """ resp = {} def info(response: dict) -> dict: rv = {} SECTIONS = [ "summaryProfile", "summaryDetail", "quoteType", "defaultKeyStatistics", "assetProfile", "summaryDetail", ] for section in SECTIONS: if section in response: rv.update(response[section]) rv["regularMarketPrice"] = rv["regularMarketOpen"] rv["logo_url"] = "" domain = extract_domain(rv["website"]) if domain: rv["logo_url"] = f"{domain}" return rv def recommendations(response: dict) -> dict: return response["upgradeDowngradeHistory"]["history"] def calendar(response: dict) -> dict: return response["calendarEvents"] def sustainability(response: dict) -> dict: return response["esgScores"] try: data = response2json(s) except Exception as err: logger.error(err) raise ConversionHookError(422, "") else:"conversion_hook: %s OK", self.ticker) try: resp.update({"info": info(data)}) resp.update({"recommendations": recommendations(data)}) resp.update({"calendar": calendar(data)}) resp.update({"sustainability": sustainability(data)}) except Exception as err: logger.error(err) raise ConversionHookError(404, "Profile not found") return resp