Source code for virtual_finance_api.compat.yfinance.endpoints.bundle

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module provides the *yfinance* compatible requests.

These requests are derived from the Yahoo base classes, but all classes provide
*yfinance.Ticker* compatible properties. So, some return a dict, some return
Pandas series and some return a Pandas dataframe, just like *yfinance* does.

from .util import camel2title, YFHolders, yfprocopt
from import extract_domain

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import as yhe
from .responses.bundle import responses
from virtual_finance_api.endpoints.decorators import dyndoc_insert

import logging
from datetime import datetime as dt
from collections import namedtuple
import time

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Financials(yhe.Financials): """Financials - class to handle the financials endpoint."""
[docs] @dyndoc_insert(responses) def __init__(self, ticker): """Instantiate a Financials APIRequest instance. Parameters ---------- ticker : string (required) the ticker to perform the request for. >>> import virtual_finance_api as fa >>> # import the yfinance compatible endpoints >>> import virtual_finance_api.compat.yfinance.endpoints as yf >>> client = fa.Client() >>> r = yf.Financials('IBM') >>> rv = client.request(r) >>> # now we can use the request properties to fetch data >>> print(r.earnings) >>> # ... earnings as a dict with Pandas Dataframes equal to yfinance .. note:: The full response of the parent request is still available in the return value and the response property >>> # the dataframes combined as JSON >>> yq = dict([(k, json.loads(r.earnings[k].to_json())) for k in ('yearly', 'quarterly')]) >>> print(json.dumps(yq, indent=2)) :: {_yf_financials_earnings_resp} """ super(Financials, self).__init__(ticker) self.base = False self._earnings = {"yearly": None, "quarterly": None} self._cashflow = {"yearly": None, "quarterly": None} self._balancesheet = {"yearly": None, "quarterly": None} self._financials = {"yearly": None, "quarterly": None}
def _processed(self, attr): return attr["yearly"] is not None and attr["quarterly"] is not None @property def earnings(self): if not self._processed(self._earnings): self._extract() return self._earnings @property def cashflow(self): if not self._processed(self._cashflow): self._extract() return self._cashflow @property def balancesheet(self): if not self._processed(self._balancesheet): self._extract() return self._balancesheet @property def financials(self): if not self._processed(self._financials): self._extract() return self._financials def _extract(self): def mk_dataframe(data, key): # earnings uses date, the others endDate if "endDate" in data[0]: df = pd.DataFrame(data) if "maxAge" in df.columns: df = df.drop(columns=["maxAge"]) for col in df.columns: df[col] = np.where(df[col].astype(str) == "-", np.nan, df[col]) df.set_index("endDate", inplace=True) try: df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, unit="s") except ValueError: df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) else: df = df.T = "" = "Breakdown" df.index = camel2title(df.index) else: # earnings... titles = {"quarterly": "Quarter", "yearly": "Year"} df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.set_index("date", inplace=True) df.columns = camel2title(df.columns) = titles[key] return df for k, v in self.response.items(): for _k, _v in v.items(): getattr(self, f"_{k}")[_k] = mk_dataframe(_v, key=_k)
[docs]class Holders(yhe.Holders): """Holders - class to handle the holders endpoint."""
[docs] @dyndoc_insert(responses) def __init__(self, ticker): """Instantiate a Holders APIRequest instance. Parameters ---------- ticker : string (required) the ticker to perform the request for. >>> import virtual_finance_api as fa >>> import virtual_finance_api.compat.yfinance.endpoints as yf >>> client = fa.Client() >>> r = yf.Holders('IBM') >>> rv = client.request(r) >>> # now we can use the request properties to fetch data >>> print(r.majors) >>> # ... the majors as a Pandas Dataframe equal to yfinance >>> # the JSON representation of the dataframe >>> print(r.majors.to_json()) :: {_yf_holders_major_resp} """ super(Holders, self).__init__(ticker) self.base = False self._holders = {}
def _holders_by_type(self, htype): if not self._holders: self._extract() try: return self._holders[htype] except Exception as err: logger.warning("Holders: not found: %s", err) raise err @property def institutional(self): return self._holders_by_type("institutional") @property def mutualfund(self): return self._holders_by_type("mutualfund") @property def major(self): return self._holders_by_type("major") def _extract(self): self._holders = {} cnv = YFHolders(self.response) for k, v in (cnv.major()).items(): self._holders.update({k: pd.DataFrame(v)}) for k in ["mutualfund", "institutional"]: df = pd.DataFrame((getattr(cnv, k)())[k]) self._holders.update({k: df}) for k, df in self._holders.items(): if "Date Reported" in df: self._holders[k]["Date Reported"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date Reported"]) if "% Out" in df: logger.warning( "% Out is a % column. yfinance divides it by 100 " "but still presents it as a percentage" ) self._holders[k]["% Out"] = df["% Out"].astype(float) / 100
[docs]class Profile(yhe.Profile): """Profile - class to handle the profile endpoint.""" COMPONENTS = [ "defaultKeyStatistics", "details", "summaryProfile", "recommendationTrend", "financialsTemplate", "earnings", "price", "financialData", "quoteType", "calendarEvents", "summaryDetail", "symbol", "esgScores", "upgradeDowngradeHistory", "pageViews", ]
[docs] @dyndoc_insert(responses) def __init__(self, ticker): """Instantiate a Profile APIRequest instance. Parameters ---------- ticker : string (required) the ticker to perform the request for. >>> import virtual_finance_api as fa >>> # import the yfinance compatible endpoints >>> import virtual_finance_api.compat.yfinance.endpoints as yf >>> client = fa.Client() >>> r = yf.Profile('IBM') >>> rv = client.request(r) >>> # now we can use the request properties to fetch data >>> print(r.calendar) >>> # ... the calendar as a Pandas Dataframe >>> # the JSON representation of the dataframe >>> print(r.calendar.to_json()) :: {_yf_profile_calendar_resp} """ super(Profile, self).__init__(ticker)
@property def calendar(self): return self.Calendar() @property def recommendations(self): return self.Recommendations() @property def sustainability(self): return self.Sustainability() @property def info(self): return self.Info()
[docs] def Sustainability(self): d = {} try: for item in self.response["sustainability"]: if not isinstance(self.response["sustainability"][item], (dict, list)): d[item] = self.response["sustainability"][item] s = pd.DataFrame(index=[0], data=d)[-1:].T s.columns = ["Value"] = "{:.0f}-{:.0f}".format( s[s.index == "ratingYear"]["Value"].values[0], s[s.index == "ratingMonth"]["Value"].values[0], ) except Exception as err: logger.warning(err) return None else: return s[~s.index.isin(["maxAge", "ratingYear", "ratingMonth"])]
[docs] def Calendar(self): try: df = pd.DataFrame(self.response["calendar"]["earnings"]) df["earningsDate"] = pd.to_datetime(df["earningsDate"], unit="s") df = df.T df.index = camel2title(df.index) df.columns = ["Value" for C in range(len(df.columns))] except Exception as err: logger.warning(err) return None return df
[docs] def Recommendations(self): try: df = pd.DataFrame(self.response["recommendations"]) df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["epochGradeDate"], unit="s") df.set_index("Date", inplace=True) df.columns = camel2title(df.columns) df = df[["Firm", "To Grade", "From Grade", "Action"]].sort_index() except Exception as err: logger.warning("Recommendations: %s", err) return None return df
[docs] def Info(self): return self.response["info"]
[docs]class Options(yhe.Options): """Options - class to handle the options endpoint."""
[docs] @dyndoc_insert(responses) def __init__(self, ticker, params=None): """Instantiate a Profile APIRequest instance. Parameters ---------- ticker : string (required) the ticker to perform the request for. >>> import virtual_finance_api as fa >>> # import the yfinance compatible endpoints >>> import virtual_finance_api.compat.yfinance.endpoints as yf >>> client = fa.Client() >>> r = yf.Options('IBM') >>> rv = client.request(r) >>> # now we can use the request properties to fetch data >>> print(r.options) >>> # ... all the expiration dates :: {_yf_options_options_resp} >>> # and, just like yfinance: the dataframes with calls and puts >>> print(r.option_chain('2021-03-26')[0] # all calls >>> print(r.option_chain('2021-03-26')[1] # all puts """ super(Options, self).__init__(ticker, params=params) self._expirations = {}
def _prep(self): if "expirationDates" in self.response: for exp in self.response["expirationDates"]: self._expirations[dt.utcfromtimestamp(exp).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")] = exp @property def options(self): if not self._expirations: self._prep() return tuple(sorted(self._expirations.keys())) def _options2df(self, opt, tz): COLUMNS = [ "contractSymbol", "lastTradeDate", "strike", "lastPrice", "bid", "ask", "change", "percentChange", "volume", "openInterest", "impliedVolatility", "inTheMoney", "contractSize", "currency", ] df = pd.DataFrame(opt).reindex(columns=COLUMNS) df["lastTradeDate"] = pd.to_datetime(df["lastTradeDate"], unit="s") if tz is not None: df["lastTradeDate"] = df["lastTradeDate"].tz_localize(tz) return df
[docs] def option_chain(self, date=None, proxy=None, tz=None): """option_chain - return option chain dataframes for calls/puts.""" if not self._expirations: _ = self.options # there is only one date since the optionseries are fetched by date # passing an expiration date that does not match with current series # raises a ValueError. From the Ticker class this is handled by # a request to fetch the series for that date first if date is not None and date not in self._expirations: raise ValueError( "Expiration '{}' cannot be found. " "Available expiration are: [{}]".format( date, ", ".join(self._expirations) ) ) date = self._expirations[date] _calls = [ S for S in self.response["options"][0]["calls"] if date is None or S["expiration"] == date ] _puts = [ S for S in self.response["options"][0]["puts"] if date is None or S["expiration"] == date ] return namedtuple("Options", ["calls", "puts"])( **{ "calls": self._options2df(_calls, tz=tz), "puts": self._options2df(_puts, tz=tz), } )
[docs]class History(yhe.History): """History - class to handle the history endpoint."""
[docs] @dyndoc_insert(responses) def __init__(self, ticker, params): """Instantiate a History APIRequest instance. Parameters ---------- ticker : string (required) the ticker to perform the request for. params : dict (optional) dictionary with optional parameters to perform the request parameters default to 1 month of daily (1d) historical data. :: {_yf_history_IBM_params} >>> import virtual_finance_api as fa >>> import virtual_finance_api.compat.yfinance.endpoints as yf >>> client = fa.Client() >>> r = yf.History('IBM', params=params) >>> rv = client.request(r) >>> # now we can use the request properties to fetch data >>> print(r.history) >>> # ... the history as a Pandas Dataframe :: {_yf_history_IBM_resp} """ tparams = yfprocopt(**params) super(History, self).__init__(ticker, params=tparams) "%s instantiated, ticker: %s, params: %s", self.__class__.__name__, self.ticker, self.params, ) self._history = None self._dividends = None self._splits = None
@property def history(self): if self._history is None: try: ohlc = self.response["ohlcdata"] self._history = pd.DataFrame( { "Date": ohlc["timestamp"], "Open": ohlc["open"], "High": ohlc["high"], "Low": ohlc["low"], "Close": ohlc["close"], "Adj Close": ohlc["adjclose"], "Volume": ohlc["volume"], } ).set_index("Date") self._history.index = pd.to_datetime(self._history.index, unit="s") except Exception as err: logger.error( "Error building data frame for ticker: %s [%s]", self._ticker, err ) return self._history @property def dividends(self): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Dividends"]) if len(self.response["dividends"]): df = pd.DataFrame(self.response["dividends"]) df = df.rename(columns={"amount": "Dividends"}) df.set_index("date", inplace=True) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, unit="s").date # keep only the date df.sort_index(inplace=True) else: "No dividend data for ticker: %s for the requested range", self._ticker ) return df["Dividends"] @property def splits(self): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Stock Splits"]) if len(self.response["splits"]): df = pd.DataFrame(self.response["splits"]) df.set_index("date", inplace=True) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, unit="s").date # keep only the date df.sort_index(inplace=True) df["Stock Splits"] = df["numerator"] / df["denominator"] else: "No split data for ticker: %s for the requested range", self._ticker ) return df["Stock Splits"] @property def actions(self): return pd.DataFrame(pd.concat([self.dividends, self.splits], axis=1)).replace( np.NaN, 0.0 )